Mural 015 - Anima
Mural Artist Tatsuya Hirayama
Collaborated with daisydoze
“Anima” は、BnA_WALLにて行われたImmersive Theaterという新しいジャンルの演劇団体”daisydoze” と、作家平山達也が壁画という形でコラボレーションした作品。
About Tatsuya Hirayama
画家. 音楽家. / Painter. Musician.
-NHK “LIFE” 番組セットコラージュ
-Audio Technica “円盤好子のアナログジャーニー” コラム挿絵
Tatsuya, spent a number of his childhood years in Indiana, USA before moving back to Japans prefecture of Gifu, with a 1 year stint in NY, now living and working in Tokyo. Actively involved in the Tokyo art scene since 2007, Tatsuya is a full time artist, live painter, muralist and designer. To date all of Tatsuyas exhibitions are part of the VIVIDELIC series.
About daisydoze
“daisydoze” is the one of the foremost site-specific immersive theater company in Japan.
Yui Takeshima and Kaori Kondo as directors aim to sublimate immersive theater as a comprehensive art experience that not only mixes theatrical elements of “dance,” “song,” and “play”, but also involves elements of “installation art”. This time, they collaborate with Tatsuya Hirayama.
Artist : Tatsuya Hirayama Instagram (@tat_vividelic)
Immersive Theater : daisydoze Instagram (@daisydoze.immersive)